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Plastic Free Exmoor


We are very happy to say that we have made our pledge to become apart of the Plastic Free Exmoor.

Every day approximately 8 million pieces of plastic pollution find their way into our oceans. Globally there is recognition that this must stop, which is why the Exmoor National Park have signed up to the ‘Plastic Free Communities’ campaign, coordinated by Surfers Against Sewage. 

We have pledged that we will do all we can to stop using single use plastic here at The Selworthy Pantry. So far we have made easy changes such as only using paper bags, using recycled tissue paper for our postage & packaging (we do re use bubble wrap when absolutely necessary like hamper postage), using cardboard hamper trays and so on. We have more to do and will be making these changes very soon! 

We hope others will join us! 

If you are a school, group, business or any other type of organisation, and would be interested in joining the pledge to reduce the amount of single use plastic on Exmoor, please get in touch and I will forward on contact details to get you started!

Plastic Free Exmoor: About
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